關於漂鳥舞蹈平台 漂鳥舞蹈平台發起人賴翃中在2018年提出「漂鳥舞蹈平台」計畫,希望讓平台成為橋樑,提供機會讓年輕編舞家於平台中發表作品,更運用近年累積的國際人脈,邀請國際編舞競賽與藝術節頒發獎項,挑選屬意的青年舞蹈作品前往演出,創造與國際連結的機會。 藉由「漂鳥舞蹈平台」之評選作品性質,鼓勵編舞家回歸舞蹈語彙本身,以編創概念清晰,舞蹈肢體的設計多元、動能豐沛的獨舞或雙人舞作品;並藉由相同理念的平台串接,建立年輕編舞家與國際市場之連結。期許未來將「漂鳥舞蹈平台」打造成為國際大型之舞蹈平台。 About Stray Birds Dance Platform The "Stray Birds Dance Platform"(Stray Birds) project was proposed in 2018 by its founder Lai Hung-Chung, in hopes of creating a bridge and providing opportunities for young choreographers to publish works on the platform. Furthermore, he hoped to utilize the international network of contacts accumulated in recent years to invite international choreography competitions and art festivals to present awards, select dance works by youth talents to compete, and create opportunities to connect with the world. In accordance with the nature of the works selected by Stray Birds, choreographers are encouraged to return to dance vocabulary itself, working with clear choreographic concepts, diversity in dance movement design, and energetic solos or duets. With a platform that connects the like-minded, we can establish connections between young choreographers and the international market. It is hoped that in the future, Stray Birds will become a large-scale international dance platform.
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